Myofascial Release & Massage


Dec 2013 - My vocation is a real estate management professional. My avocation is a windmill pitching instructor.  I am 62 years old and have either been participating in or coaching sports for decades.  Over the years I have developed some significant spine and myofascial issues , the latest incarnation of which was extremely painful and debilitating.  I did aggressive physical therapy for approximately two months and took medication to control my pain.  I came upon Erica almost by accident and her therapeutic massages have almost entirely eliminated my pain and numbness.  I would recommend Erica to anyone who is seeking relief from pain or simply relaxation and well being. - Phil from New Rochelle, NY

Dec 2013 - I am a nurse practitioner and mother of 2 Matt 27 and Kate 25.  For the past 4 years I have participated in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 39 miles in 2 days with the Soleryeders Team. Last year Erica graciously donated her time to provide massages to members of the Soleryders team. I had planned on scheduling a massage shortly after 2012 Walk but…life gets busy and 1 year later the week before the 2013 walk I decided to have my massage. For years I have been suffering with knots, tightness and discomfort on my right side neck, shoulders and upper back, no matter what I did or how many massages I received from different places.  I went as far as to have injections in the trigger points to break up the inflammation all without results.  I was resigned to living with the pain. Well after my first massage with Erica I am totally free of the tension knots and discomfort I have been living with for years. IT was the BEST massage I had ever had and will continue to have regularly. I am so grateful to finding a therapist like Erica and being part of the Soleryders Team. - MJ from Rye, NY